【视频】| BBC新闻 暖心李倩梅!摄影师盛装打扮等待领养的救援犬-BBC英语

Rescue dog get dressed up for adoption
One of the key things I wanted to showcase with dressing the dogs up is their personality. I really wanted to make them look like people.
通过给这些狗狗梳妆打扮瓜尔佳文鸳,我想传达的一个关键信息就是他们的个性三棵千年松 。我非常想让他们看起来像人一样。This is Arkansas based photographer Tammy Swarek. 她叫Tammy Swarek,来自阿肯色州肖永明 ,是一名摄影师。She’s been working on a very special project to help find new homes for abandoned dogs.她一直在做一份非常特殊的项目,即:为被遗弃的狗狗们找新家。I’ve dressed everything up. I have always dressed up my dogs since as far as I can remember.我一直在装饰各种东西。从我记事起神州鹰,我就总爱打扮我的狗狗。Oh my goodness! Look at you! You look so handsome!天啊,你看上去好棒!好英俊!I wanted somebody to see that picture of that dog and have some type of connection with it that they wouldn’t ordinarily have just by seeing it shut in a cage.
我想让人们在看到某只狗狗的照片时,就与他建立起某种关联,通常,这种关联无法通过隔笼观望获得孙穗芳 。Got it! I think Tammy’s project has been an amazing asset to our shelter张基河 , to the perception of the rescue dog. 好了新疆科信学院!我认为,对于收容所和救援犬们来说弱攻强受 ,Tammy的项目是一笔巨大的财富,Because it’s like from rags to riches怒海萍踪 , you see it, I mean, they’re superstars in these pictures.因为这个项目能给他们带来从乞丐到富豪般的转变,我的意思是雪健面粉 ,在这些照片里,他们看起来就像巨星一样。
After creating these photos, applications to adopt a shelter dog grew immediately.拍完这些照片后,收容所收到的领养申请立刻多了起来。Adam, look, come on. I’m constantly amazed at how much the dogs love dressing up. 亚当暗强宝珠,朝这儿看,乖孩子巭孬嫑莪 。我经常惊讶于这些狗狗喜爱这些装扮的程度。They thoroughly enjoy the one-on-one attention, have a total blast, and we have dogs that do not want the clothes to come off. 他们非常享受这种一对一的关注尉迟玉珩 ,完全沉浸其中重生之寒锦 ,有的狗狗甚至不愿意把衣服脱下来。Some of the dogs that wouldn’t have any interest at all have had up to a dozen applications each. 那些曾经被人冷落的狗狗在拍照后瞬间收到了一打领养申请。There was one that we photographed the other day for this story, his name was Gonzo, and we put him in a little pink-and-black suit. 这是那天我们在拍摄这个故事时出镜的一只狗狗龙城交警网 ,他叫贡佐,我们给他穿上了粉色的小衬衣和黑色的小西服。Within a day that dog was adopted. So being able to be part of that process is definitely my favourite part.一天后,就有人领养了他。能够参与进这个过程绝对是我最喜欢的部分。I feel that rescue dogs are perceived as they are not good enough sometimes, or that they are diseased, and they don’t fit the pedigree dimensions in someone’s mind.
我知道有些人认为救援犬一定不够完美,或是不健康,不符合他们心中对狗狗血统的要求。Excalibur was found, she had been shot twice in the head. After months of recovery宁武吧 , all of her scars内乡二手房, they healed. Excalibur被发现时头上中了两枪。经过数月的恢复,她的伤疤都已愈合。She was adopted locally, by a family with a little girl and that’s one story that definitely sticks out.她被本地一户有小女孩的家庭收养,张翔玲 这绝对称得上是我们最温暖动人的故事之一。One of the many things I would like this project to change is the general perception of shelter animals,我想通过这个项目改变很多事情,其中之一就是人们对于收容所动物们的普遍看法,and when a family makes the decision to adopt an animal that the shelter is their first obvious choice over going to a breeder or a pet store.当一个家庭想要养一只宠物的时候,我希望他们首先想到收容所董湘昆 ,而不是去找饲养员或是宠物商店。

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