


Scoliosis describes an abnormal丹青厌, side to side curvature of the spine. This video provides an overview of how scoliosis affects the spine and the body.
脊柱侧弯描述的是脊柱异常的侧向弯曲锦上花浓 。本视频简要介绍脊柱侧弯对脊柱和人体的影响日向枣 。
This condition is an abnormal curvature of the spine. It most often develops in early childhood, just before a child reaches puberty.
脊柱侧弯是脊柱出现了异常的弯曲。通常发生于儿童阶段的早期,就在孩子进入青春期之前加兰特反射 。
In most cases庞小杰 , the direct cause of scoliosis is not understood. Genetics may play a role. It can run in families. It can also result from neuromuscular conditions, birth defects and injuries of the spine.
在大多数多病例,脊柱侧弯的直接原因仍不明了貔犰 。遗传基因可能是个影响因素闪恩 ,脊柱侧弯有家族性。也可能与神经肌肉疾病、出生畸形以及脊柱受伤有关。
A spine with scoliosisugcp , when viewed from the rear, curves sideways. It may curve into a "C"or an "S" shape. Scoliosis tends to develop gradually, and usually it is not painful. A child may not realize it is happening. A parent may overlook it. As the curvature progresses and becomes more severe, scoliosis may cause changes in the body. The shoulders and hips may become uneven. One shoulder blade may stick out prominently. In very severe cases, the spine may begin to twist王品若, causing back pain. The ribcage may appear uneven. This can limit the lungs' ability to expand, affecting breathing.
脊柱侧弯从后方观察良宵血案 ,有向侧方的弯曲,可能弯成“C”形或“S”形。安藤 脊柱侧弯通常是逐渐进展的,一般不引起疼痛。儿童可能意识不到发生了脊柱侧弯骆保雯。家长也可能会忽视。当曲度进展变得更加严重时,脊柱侧弯可引起身体的变化。肩膀和骨盆会变得不对称,一侧肩胛可能明显地突出。在严重的病例魏佳艺 ,脊柱可能会扭曲,引起疼痛梦见找东西。胸廓会变得不对称。这会限制肺扩张的功能,温翠苹 影响呼吸巴氏小体。
Most people who have scoliosis do not need treatment. When it is detected, it can be monitored closely to make sure it isn't getting worse. A doctor may recommend an orthopedic brace to prevet further curvatur. In some cases, spinal fusion surgery may be needed to straighten and stabilize the spine.
大多数脊柱侧弯不需要治疗。当发现脊柱侧弯后郏县一高 ,需要密切观察九转神龙决 ,确认有没有变得更加严重。医生会推荐矫形支具预防弯曲进展镜栀雪。在部分病例联众涂料论坛 ,需要进行脊柱融合手术以恢复脊柱的挺直和稳定加莫娃 。
(胡佰文 译)

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