【视频】| I Love Dogs许亮亮,我爱狗狗斯派克李 ,林杰妮 人类最忠实的朋友! 韵律歌谣-绘本频道
Gragon Dance
狗狗是人类最忠实的朋友金毛狻,也是我们人类最常见的宠物之一香妃三宝。他会陪伴着我们历小峰 ,保护着我们蓝爱子。这个世界上狗狗的种类也特别的多,前几天就给大家分享了一本关于狗的绘本寂灭万乘 。这次我们通过一首儿歌来了解下狗狗吧!

Dogs are playful
Dogs like to bark
Dogs have wagging tails when they walk in the park
Some dogs are short
Some dogs are tall
Dogs really like it when you throw them a ball
I love dogs, I love dogs!
I love them!
Dogs are hairy
Some dogs get dressed
If they're sleepy they like to take a rest
Dogs drink water (Water!)
They eat dog food (Food!)
They'll eat your sandwich...Hey that's rude鲁裕敏 !
I love dogs惊魂眼 , I love dogs异界轩辕 !
I love them!
I love dogs
小朋友们,通过歌曲和韵律是最容易学习语言的宇文念 ,希望大家能够多听郑州月子房 ,多学禄劝天气预报 ,这些韵律儿歌对孩子的英语启蒙都非常的有帮助哦!
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